miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2012

You ate Tu comiste Did you eat? ¿Comiste tu? You didn't eat Tu no comiste He cooked El cocinó Did he cook? ¿el cocinó? He didn't cook El no cocinó We played Nosotros jugamos Did we play? ¿Jugamos nosotros? We didn't play No jugamos

The past tense (abbreviated pst) is a grammatical tense that places an action or situation in the past of the current moment (in an absolute tense system), or prior to some specified time that may be in the speaker's past, present, or future (in a relative tense system).[1] Not all languages mark verbs for the past tense (Mandarin Chinese, for example, does not); in some languages, the grammatical expression of past tense is combined with the expression of moodand/or aspect (see tense–aspect–mood). Some languages that mark for past tense do so by inflecting the verb, while others do so by using auxiliary verbs (and some do both).

Also it is possible to indicate the moment in which the action develops to indicate the time with major precision: They saw the movie last night. They saw the movie last night. We went to London yesterday. We were to London yesterday. To be able to form a prayer in last time we must distinguish two types: REGULAR VERBS and IRREGULAR VERBS. In the first one of the cases they form his Simple Past adding the completion ED to the infinitive, whereas the irregular ones receive this name for he is not still a certain boss and in this case they must be studied individually.
On having expressed a prayer in Simple Past there is understood that the action does not guard relation with the present, since we see in the following cases: I have lost the keys. He lost the keys. (It is possible that in the present he has found them). She lent me to book. She gave me a book. (It is possible that already one has returned it).
Both in the interrogative form and in denial it is in use as auxiliary DID that is the form spent from the verb " TO DO " and accompanies to the principal verb in his infinitive form. In the denials one can use DID's carried away form NOT or DIDN'T. In the senior manager To Play uses the verb (To (play) like example.

Simple Past Tense

The Simple Past is a verbal time that is in use for describing actions that have happened in a previous time and that already they have finished, for example: